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+7 123 456-78-90
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The traditional goal of any search engine - find information on the Internet. In today's world, this problem has expanded. Internet can not be separated from the reality around us, and search engines are now looking at the surrounding world. And not just looking, but also able to suggest in all situations. Modern search understands the desire of each user and knows that surrounds it.

So it can tell each person what is right for him. What to read, where to go to eat, what music to listen to as soon go home, where to buy the cheapest bilety.Poisk has always been and remains the main service Yandex, but today we understand his role more widely - a universal helper, navigator on everything that we It surrounds. Search now - help at the right time, and assistance in the selection, and the ability to perform an action.

The traditional goal of any search engine - find information on the Internet. In today's world, this problem has expanded. Internet can not be separated from the reality around us, and search engines are now looking at the surrounding world. And not just looking, but also able to suggest in all situations. Modern search understands the desire of each user and knows that surrounds it.
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